Python Summer Camp for Kids
Learn Python programming and open pathways to AI/ ML, Big Data, Web Backend development
- Essential concepts of Python programming
- Understand how to use the basic Python structures: strings, lists, and dictionaries
- Understand what classes are and how they relate to objects so that you can start to create professionally structured code
Course Description
‘Python is routinely ranked top or second in the world’s most in-demand programming languages – huge firms like Google utilise it in mission important applications like Google Search.
It is used in data science, AI / machine learning, web development, self-driving cars, automation, and a variety of other fields. It’s never been a better time to study!
In a fun and practical method, learn the foundations of the Python programming language. We will cover each of the essential Python fundamental aspects step by step, allowing you to develop your skills at your own speed.
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1 levels
Level Duration
32 hours
This Course Includes:
- Suggested Age: 9+ Years
- Prerequisites: HTML, CSS, JS Suggested
- Location: Online and Classroom
- Mode of Delivery: Group Session and 1:1
- Batch Size: Maximum batch size upto 5 students per faculty for online classes
- Language: English
Looking For Start Date?
Starts in Summers : May and June
Group batches starts several times during the years, please reach out for start dates.
Detailed Curriculum
- Level 1
Level 1
- Core Python Basics
- Comments,Data Types,Operators And Loops
- Strings, If Else, For Loop, For Loop, Lists
- Tuples, Dictionary, Python Functions, Lambda Function, Classes/Objects
- Inheritence, Python Modules
- Try, Except And Finally, Python File Handling, Reading Files, Python List Comprehension