Android App Development with Android Studio & Java for Teenagers

Develop fully functional Android Apps in Android Studioby leveraging the power of the Java programming language.

Course Overview

Course Description

‘Android is the world’s most commonly used OS. Infact in the mobile ecosystem it is virtually all-pervasive. The popularity of Android is infact expanding quickly, with millions of Android devices being operated and new Android devices being activated daily.

Build a strong foundation in this module in Android Development, Android Studio, and object-oriented Java Programming. You’ll be learning Android concepts such as Android Activities, Android Basic Project Structure, Android Layouts, and XML by practically building android apps!

From simple Android applications to constructing apps connected to Firebase (remote real time database), apps recognising face in a photo (MLKit Face recognition), to learning how to create Android map-driven applications we’ll walk you through the entire process of learning about Android programming. You’ll learn how to store data on android during the journey (SQLite and Sharedpreferences). You’ll learn how to leverage the most advanced Android libraries and APIs and how to use Android Fragments to enhance the usability and size of your apps.

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Online / Offline


2 levels

Level Duration

48 hours

This Course Includes:

Looking For Start Date?

1:1 starts on demand

Group batches starts several times during the years, please reach out for start dates.

Bonus Features

Group 539 1

Completion Certificate

Group 542

Performance Awards

Group 540

Feedback From Instructors

Group 544

1:1 Parents Teacher Meeting

Group 541

Special One-Off Workshops

Group 545

Entrepreneurial Skills

Detailed Curriculum

Level 1

Level 2

Projects You Will Work On

Android Studio


Learning Pathways Post This Module

Post completion of the module, Students can opt for these following related modules to further their learning.

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Group 271
Group 545 4
Group 270

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