Online Coding Programs Classes for Kids & Teenagers

Be Future Ready With CodingZen

Through our Coding based courses, we aim to assist young coding enthusiasts to approach programming in a simplified, yet exciting format.

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How Do We
Benefit Your Child?

With our “0 theory policy”, you students get first hand experience of coding that will help them channelise their energy and curiosity towards solving real-life problems.

Conceptual Understanding

Personalized Learning Plan

Focused Practical Approaches

Interactive Learning Resources

Our Learning Programs

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Foundation for Logical Thinking at an early age

With concepts ranging from Basics of technology to developing Game Animations. This course will encourage our students to create, innovate and priamarily initiate tech immersion.
This will eventually help them build up on their logical thinking and reasoning skills.

CZ Junior Modules

Main Video

Tech Essentials

Discover the fundamentals of Information Technology and Computers. 

Game Development with MIT Scratch Jr

Initiate your Coding journey : learn to program, create games, have fun in Scratch!

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Learn Technology for the future

We make our students industry-ready by introducing them to in-demand skills in the Tech-Industry with courses like Game Development, Android App Development and Website Development. With every concept, there would be live-projects backed learning to encourage analytical thinking.

CZ Learner Modules

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Game Development with MIT Scratch

Program your own interactive
stories, games, and animations.

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Android Development with MIT App Inventor

Create and build your own apps for Android.

44 1

Website Development

‘Plan, Design and code your very own self-directed website
project form scratch to launch!

25 1


Understand how to use the
basic Python structures: strings,
lists, and dictionaries.

11 1

Robotics with Arduino

Create a voice control robot, a black line follower, a light follower/repeller robot, and a smartphone control robot using Arduino.

13 1

Photoshop & Premiere Pro

Now transform your imagination into amazing visuals by using Adobe’s top two tools. Be a PRO

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Initiate Entrepreneurial Journey

We believe in providing learning experience with a perfect blend of technical knowledge of Python, Java & Unity game Engine along with Entrepreneurial skills. This course will help our students to become tech explorers at a young age and utilise the tech-learning towards building their own product.

CZ Explorer Modules

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Advanced Python

Learn how to build web applications with Python and the Django framework

2 2

Advanced Website Development : JS Animations

Add sophisticated, interactive animations to your websites to take your front-end web design to the next level.

6 3

Unity Game Engine

From Complete Newbie to a Pro Game Developer. Learn To Code In C# And Create Stunning Games With Unity

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Comprehensive Java programming course integrated with design principles, best methadologies & instructor-led projects

10 1

Advanced Robotics with Arduino

‘RoboWar, Human Following Robot, Hexa Pod & Writing Robotic Arm Development Using Arduino

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Advanced Excel Analytics

Master Excel pivots and Learn Data Analysis with Business Intelligence


Digital Marketing

Master Digital Marketing Strategy coveringSocial Media Marketing, SEO, YouTube, Email, Facebook Marketing, Analytics & More!

12 1

Startup & Entrepreneurship

Everything you need to know about Lean Startup and Entrepreneurship strategies and how to deploy them to your business idea and project.

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Transform Ideas into Reality

Build your practical knowledge by working on Real-Life Project Implementations. Work with the industry experts in fields ranging from Full-Stack Web Development projects, 3D Game Engine products, and all the way to Blockchain Development.

CZ Creator Modules

8 1

Advanced Unity Game Engine

Design & Develop 3D games with C# & Unity Engine. Code Your 3D Unity games for web, Mac & PC.

3 2

Android Development with Android Studio & Java

Develop fully functional Android Apps in Android Studioby leveraging the power of the Java programming language.

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Ethereum Blockchain Development With Solidity

Learn how to create a smart contract using Solidity, Ethereum’s programming language.

5 2

Web Development : MERN STACK Development

Learn MERN Stack Development with React + Redux as Front End and Node + Express as Backend By doing Hands-On Projects

4 3

Artificial Intellegence With Python

Design real-world AI & machine learning apps using Python

9 1

Swift - The Complete iOS App Development

Learn iOS App Development by building 21 iOS apps


Still have questions?

Get in touch with our expert team, we’d be happy to assist you resolve all your
queries at the earliest!

Coding is an essential skill in today’s world that will help assist young minds to gain new problem-solving perspectives in a fun way while encouraging them to think out of the box.

There is no specific age requirement for learning to code, it entirely depends on the kid’s interest in the subject. 

We at CodingZen provide online coding classes for kids who are 6 years and above.

Even though strong Mathematical skills will always be helpful, it is not a necessity for learning while you opt to learn coding. 


Coding in turn presents a scenario where kids can learn Math in a fun and exciting way.

Yes, 100%!

Coding is an essential skill in today’s digital era, programming will help young minds to become creators at a young age. In CodingZen, we will help them to build their own projects ranging from beginner to advanced level.

Hear It From The Experts

Discuss with our senior staff who will guide you in selecting suitable programs.

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Launching New
3D Unity Course