Python Programming for Kids & Teenagers
Beginner friendly Python! Learn the Python basics then build inspiring Python projects
- Essential concepts of Python programming
- Understand how to use the basic Python structures: strings, lists, and dictionaries
- Understand what classes are and how they relate to objects so that you can start to create professionally structured code
- Learn the PyGame 2D game development.
- Game Development concepts like collision detection, object movements, object animations and etc.
- You will learn other important frameworks such as matplotlib for data visualization and pandas for data exploration
- Data Analysis and Database handling with Python
Course Description
‘Python is consistently ranked among the most in-demand programming languages,either at first or second position across the world – Huge companies like Google use it in mission critical applications like Google Earth and Search.
It has applications in data science, machine learning, web development, self-driving cars, automation, and many many other disciplines. There has never been a better time to learn it!
Learn the fundamentals of the Python programming language in a fun and practical way. We will cover each of the core Python fundamental topics step by step and build your skills at just the right pace.You will develop amazing games and you will see how PyGame works moving things on screen and objects interaction. You will also create and import pictures used in the games and get familiar with creating randomly movable enemies, animating the game characters and playing music and sounds while playing the game.Learn how to use NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn , Matplotlib in Data science
Online / Offline
3 levels
Level Duration
48 hours
This Course Includes:
- Suggested Age: 9+ Years
- Prerequisites: HTML, CSS, JS Suggested
- Location: Online and Classroom
- Mode of Delivery: Group Session and 1:1
- Batch Size: Maximum batch size upto 5 students per faculty for online classes
- Language: English
- Credits: End of term module completion certificate & Awards based on performance
Looking For Start Date?
1:1 starts on demand
Group batches starts several times during the years, please reach out for start dates.
Bonus Features

Completion Certificate

Performance Awards

Feedback From Instructors

1:1 Parents Teacher Meeting

Special One-Off Workshops

Entrepreneurial Skills
Detailed Curriculum
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
Level 1
- Core Python Basics
- Comments,Data Types,Operators And Loops
- Strings, If Else, For Loop, For Loop, Lists
- Tuples, Dictionary, Python Functions, Lambda Function, Classes/Objects
- Inheritence, Python Modules
- Try, Except And Finally, Python File Handling, Reading Files, Python List Comprehension
Level 2
- Intro to pygame module
- Basic & Advanced Movements
- Creating player using class
- Sprites Group, Collision, Animating Sprites, Shields and explosions
- Game Designing
Level 3
- Numpy Intro, Data Types & Numpy Intializer Functions, Numpy Copy vs View + Shape, Reshape, Resize
- Array Operations & Broadcasting, Sorting numpy array, transpose & Searching
- Reversing, Flatten, Newaxis & Concatenation, Unique values, Boolean Indexing
- Pandas Intro, Dataframe/Series Opertions, Null values
- Subsetting & Filtering the Dataframe/Series, Pandas Statistics & Basic Questions, Plotting,Handle Time Series data & textual data with pandas
- Matplotlib Intro,
- Plotting, Markers, Line, Lables, Grid & Subplots
- Scatter & Bars, Histogram & Pie Charts
Learning Pathways Post This Module
Post completion of the module, Students can opt for these following related modules to further their learning.
Students Portfolio
Our students have always enjoyed learning with us, as much as we have enjoyed teaching them. Check out the amazing projects created by them! Some amazing Projects created by our amazing students.